You’re the experts in your industry. We’re the experts at prioritizing your people.
Pavo works with you to build healthy teams, meet your goals, and make more money all while becoming a workplace where people choose to stay and grow their careers.
Who are we?
We aren’t like any coaching & consulting company you’ve worked with before.
Pavo is Latin for peacock (and also turkey in Spanish!). An origin story about the peacock describes the creature as having the ability to ingest poison and transmute it. It is also said to be the source of their beauty. At Pavo, we do the same thing. Through our coaching and consulting, we equip you and your team to turn anything poisoning your environment into one that is creative, productive and effective.
The reality is that most workplaces have some degree of toxicity. If that makes you want to run, hang in there! Workplace dysfunction is no one’s fault. The way we’ve all been trained to think and see what is possible sets us up for creating unhealthy and often harmful environments. It takes courage to look at what is not working for your employees and name it. Doing so is an investment in your people. When your people are the priority, it’s good for business.
Why work with us?

We stop toxic spirals
We are experts at seeing patterns and practices that don’t serve you or your team. Our primary deliverable is equipping our clients with the tools to create and sustain a healthy workplace.

We don’t do templates
We are practiced in creating coaching and facilitation programs tailored to your company and team needs. We do not offer one-size-fits-all programming and we listen to what really needs to be addressed. Our flexibility and adaptability set us apart.

We address the whole person
Pavo coaches are highly aware that we are not two separate people at work and outside of work. We bring the same patterns and stories everywhere we go. That means that there’s no topic that is off-limits, because a pattern discovered in one area of life will inform all the others.

We bring wisdom as experienced professionals
From our own professional journeys and experiences we have created a clear, concise, accessible coaching lens and methodology that no one else has: The energies of FLS (fear, lack & separation) are the source of toxic spirals. LAU (Love, Abundance, Unity) are the energies we have harnessed into tools that are actionable and immediately impactful.

We speak to what is real
Pavo identifies and speaks to what is real in your team or company no matter what it is. When you try to do this yourself without support from a coach, it can be messy and filled with fear and threat, and therefore goes unspoken. Naming workplace realities respectfully and effectively is what we do so what’s not working can be addressed.

We give you tools to be effective
Pavo has a library of 55+ unique tools crafted to identify FLS and shift to LAU that are immediately actionable and applicable supporting your growth as an employee, leader and whole human being.